Henry Newman

Henry Newman has been a contributor to TechnologyAdvice websites for more than 20 years. His career in high-performance computing, storage and security dates to the early 1980s, when Cray was the name of a supercomputing company rather than an entry in Urban Dictionary. After nearly four decades of architecting IT systems, he recently retired as CTO of a storage company’s Federal group, but he rather quickly lost a bet that he wouldn't be able to stay retired by taking a consulting gig in his first month of retirement.
183 articles written
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Storage Planning for Virtual Infrastructures — More...

Storage planning for virtualized systems requires some careful thinking about the issues that will impact users. One major...

The Year in Storage: Looking Ahead, Looking...

It is another year and time for yet another try at predicting the future in our complex storage industry...

Benchmarking: Time for Vendors to Get a...

With the Supercomputing show over, its myriad benchmark results provided on everything from CPU flops to memory bandwidth got...

File System Wrap Up: We Were Not...

We failed. Jeff and I tried and tried to get the hardware to run the file system tests that...

Who Will Lead Us Out of Storage...

The United States leads in storage now, but what about in the future? I am not, nor have I...

The Evolution of Stupidity: File Systems

The storage industry continues to make the same mistakes over and over again, and enterprises continue to take vendors'...

The Evolution of Stupidity: Research (Don’t Repeat)...

Catchy title, right? Here's where it came from?A few times a year, the editorial team and I have a...

Storage Security, the Last Line of Defense

We have all heard about the high-profile cases of groups hacking into a system and making off with the...

The Secret Life of Tape, 2011 Update

In August 2006 I wrote an article exposing the fact that, like any device, tape has a life span....