Storage Hardware
Storage Software
Storage Management
Storage Networking
Backup and Recovery
Storage Hardware
Storage Software
Storage Management
Storage Networking
Backup and Recovery
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Jeffrey Layton
42 articles written
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Metadata About Metadata
You may have heard that metadata is data about data (if that makes any sense). But how about metadata...
IO Patterns—What you don’t know can hurt...
Like two fencers in a dark room separated by 50 feet, both users and vendors will insist that they...
The Importance of Understanding Application IO
Like two fencers in a dark room separated by 50 feet, both users and vendors will insist that they...
The Metadata Storage Problem
The amount of data we want to collect, archive, and search, is amazing. The use of metadata allows us to quickly...
There is No Magic Pixie Dust for...
Everyone has seen the eye-popping charts that show the rate of data creation growing almost exponentially. As an example,...
Parallel Storage Clouds
The world is enamored with cloud computing, particularly cloud storage. Cloud storage is used for a variety of data...
Rethinking Storage for Microservers
Microservers are a huge coming wave that could overtake you if you're not ready.Microservers are simply small servers. Compared...
Economic Realities of Archive Storage
Many people have the perception that archive storage should be really, really cheap. After all, you don't need much...
Making RAID Work into the Future
Many people have said RAID is dead. But just like the Phoenix, RAID may rise from the dead thanks...
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