Jennifer Schiff

Jennifer Schiff is a business and technology writer and a contributor to Enterprise Storage Forum. She also runs Schiff & Schiff Communications, a marketing firm focused on helping organizations better interact with their customers, employees, and partners.
59 articles written
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A Lean, Green Storage Machine

The words "environmentally friendly" have been applied to a lot of things over the last few years, but rarely...

Storage That Really Lasts

While we may never find out how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, thanks to...

To Boldly Go Where No Utility Storage...

Next February, NASA Ames Research Center plans to launch the Kepler Space Telescope into an orbit around the Sun....

Sorting Out Your Storage Options

DAS, SAN, NAS... RAID, MAID, solid state technologies, grid storage, hard disk drive storage, tiered storage, tape storage... active...

Storage Without the Spin

In an ideal world, Enterprise Strategy Group analyst Mark Peters would like to see the choice between solid state...

Xiotech’s Emprise: Storage System, Heal Thyself

So much to store, so little tolerance for failure or errors. That is the dilemma facing Web 2.0 businesses...

The Best-Kept Secret in Enterprise Storage

Let's face it, if you are a mid-range or even a high-end enterprise looking for a data storage solution,...

NEC’s HYDRAstor Gets High Marks from Nonprofit

Gregg Paulk, director of Information Technologies at the Anderson Center for Autism, a nonprofit providing year-round day and residential...

RAID Turns Rad

Last fall, Panasas, a developer of high-performance clustered storage solutions, unveiled a new "Tiered Parity" architecture that the company...