Jennifer Schiff

Jennifer Schiff is a business and technology writer and a contributor to Enterprise Storage Forum. She also runs Schiff & Schiff Communications, a marketing firm focused on helping organizations better interact with their customers, employees, and partners.
59 articles written
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Fortune 500 Firm Ditches Fibre Channel for...

It may be an exaggeration to say there is a war being waged for the hearts and minds —...

Library of Scotland Preserves Digital History

The National Library of Scotland (NLS), the largest library in Scotland and a leading research institution, recently embarked on...

File Virtualization For Dummies

Founded in 1807, John Wiley & Sons has been in the information business for 200 years, publishing scientific, technical...

Helping Storage Customers Feel Secure

Integrated Systems Corp. (ISCorp) provides a wide range of on-demand applications and data processing solutions to customers in the...

Finding Needles of Data in an Unstructured...

Every week, if not more often, there appears another story in the news exposing a security breach at some...

Virtually Tape-Free

James Wonder, the director of online technology at the American Institute of Physics (AIP), hates tape. He hates that...

Supercomputing’s Super Storage Issues

Faster than a speeding bullet. More powerful than a locomotive. Able to calculate more than one quadrillion floating point...

Microsoft Gains Storage Traction

With Windows Storage Server continuing to win over small and mid-size customers — with a 53 percent unit share...

De-Mystifying De-Duplication

Even as the price of storage continues to come down, the amount of data enterprises need to store and...