Jennifer Schiff

Jennifer Schiff is a business and technology writer and a contributor to Enterprise Storage Forum. She also runs Schiff & Schiff Communications, a marketing firm focused on helping organizations better interact with their customers, employees, and partners.
59 articles written
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Straddling Tape and Disk Worlds

Red states versus blue. Coke versus Pepsi. Tape versus disk. These classic battles for market supremacy may never end....

Rules About to Change in e-Discovery Game

New federal rules will take effect next month requiring corporations to produce documents in legal cases or face stiff...

Preparing for Failure

Around the globe, scientists are using blindingly fast, incredibly powerful supercomputers to model and predict important environmental events, such...

Brother, Can You Spare a Terabyte?

The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) is making available more than 400 TB of disk space and even more...

The Wayback Machine: From Petabytes to PetaBoxes

The Internet Archive ( was created to build an Internet library that would provide researchers, historians, and scholars access...

Leaders Offer Insight on Preserving Digital History

In May, the Library of Congress, which is in the process of implementing one of the world's largest audio-visual...

Sun Rises at the Library of Congress

When Enterprise Storage Forum last visited the Library of Congress's groundbreaking audio-visual storage infrastructure in February (see Storing National...

WAFS Helps Company Avert Disaster

Barely a week after going into production at UK-based drug developer Fulcrum Pharma last December, Availl's wide area file...

IBM Holds Virtual Monopoly

If you have a storage area network (SAN) with a lot of different devices, particularly from more than one...