Marty Foltyn

36 articles written
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Fibre Channel, iSCSI Advances Promise More for...

Storage users looking for greater performance at lower cost found some promising developments in Fibre Channel and iSCSI technology...

The State of ILM Best Practices

Talk to a hundred people, and you'll get a hundred different opinions on the state of information lifecycle management...

ILM Concepts Become Real at SNW

PHOENIX — Information lifecycle management (ILM) became more than just a buzzword at this week's Storage Networking World conference.SNW...

Fibre Channel Hits the Fast Lane at...

PHOENIX — Fibre Channel's not taking a backseat at this week's Storage Networking World conference.In fact, the industry is...

A Step Closer to Unified Storage Management

PHOENIX — Storage management should get a little easier after today's announcement of a new industry interoperability testing program.The...

Storage Security Back In The Spotlight

With public concern over lost and compromised data growing, the time is right to take another look at storage...

Storage and Records Managers Find Common Ground

Whether it's the result of serendipity or good planning, the once segregated activities of records managers and enterprise storage...

CES Becomes Enterprise Storage Showcase

LAS VEGAS — The Consumer Electronics Show kicked off in Las Vegas this week, with as many as 140,000...

A Peek Into the 2005 Enterprise Storage...

The overall future for digital data storage remains excellent. The disk industry has reached a significant milestone, and new...