Pedro Hernandez

Pedro Hernandez is a contributor to Datamation, eWEEK, and the IT Business Edge Network, the network for technology professionals. Previously, he served as a managing editor for the network of IT-related websites and as the Green IT curator for GigaOM Pro.
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NetApp Invests in Cloud Data Protection Firm...

Datos IO, a San Jose, Calif.-based cloud data protection and management firm, announced this week that both NetApp and...

IBM Storage Banks on NVMe

IBM is officially working on NVMe storage systems, the company announced Sunday.NVMe, short for Non-Volatile Memory Express, is the...

Storage Workloads the Top Cloud Migration Targets

When it comes to migrating their workloads to the cloud, many businesses begin with data storage services, reveals a...

Hybrid Storage Becomes the Go-To Application Performance...

Enterprises are loading up their data centers with hybrid flash storage systems in increasing numbers, according to a new...

Quantum Upgrades StorNext for Distributed Enterprises

After adding public and private cloud support to its StorNext platform last year, Quantum turned its attention to the...

Elastifile Harnesses the Flash Storage and the...

Santa Clara, Calif. technology startup Elastifile launched a data storage platform today that combines the high-performance characteristics of flash...

Worldwide Data Will Surge to 163 Zettabytes...

The emergence of cognitive systems and the rapid growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) will give new meaning...

Enterprises Earn a ‘C’ Grade in Backup

This World Backup Day, businesses have some work to do on the data protection front.After evaluating the results of...

Dell Technologies Leads Declining Backup Storage Systems...

Dell Technologies remains the backup appliance champ, but not without some setbacks.Sales of purpose-built backup appliances (PBBA) dipped 4.1...