Tom Clark

20 articles written
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The Feeding Frenzy on End Users

As the ultimate consumers of storage networking products, corporate users have enormous power in the market. This power...

Much Ado About Nothing

Recently an industry ruckus was stirred by an announcement made by Spirent, a network performance analysis and test manufacturer,...

Towards Trusted and Open Solutions

As articulated several years ago, the mission of the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) is to ensure that storage...

It Isn’t Easy Being You

Storage administrators are often the unsung heroes of data management. Charged with maintaining data availability and safeguarding the...

Enhancements Spur Evolution of Fibre Channel SANs

With over ten years of standards and product development behind it, Fibre Channel is now a mature and established...

The Politics of Storage

Long ago in the Mesozoic mainframe era of monolithic domination of the market by a single vendor, the vendor...

Are Interoperability Demos a Hoax?

A leading commentator on the storage industry recently wrote that interoperability demonstrations such as those staged at Storage Networking...

Your Recovery Comes First

Information in the form of data represents a significant portion of valuable corporate assets. Because data ultimately resides...

The Search for Sentient SANs

In conventional IP networks, the end systems or hosts are the active participants in data communications. The network...