Storage Hardware
RAID 5 vs. RAID 6
RAID 5 and RAID 6 are two levels of Redundant Array of Independent Disks, a data storage technology for disk drives. ESF compares and contrasts them.
RAID 6 is one of the most commonly used levels of RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) in use today. RAID is a disk...
What Is RAID 5? | Raid 5...
RAID 5 is a data backup technology for hard disk drives that uses both disk striping and parity. It is one of the levels...
Top NAS Storage Devices for 2022
Network-attached storage (NAS) allows users to access files stored on a NAS device from multiple other devices that are on the same computer network...
Best Defrag Software & Tools
Defragmentation Software increases data reads and optimizes drive capacity & performance. Compare Defrag Tools now. Click here now.
PCIe vs. NVMe
When Solid State Drives (SSD) began to replace spinning hard drives in a major way, the performance differences between the expensive models from major...
Ensuring Cloud Compliance for Multi Cloud Data...
Businesses are running applications and storing data in multiple clouds. Learn how to ensure data backup and compliance. Click here now.
Guide to Tiered Storage
Tiered storage is a storage method which involves storing data on a range of different storage media with different characteristics, such as performance, cost,...
Best Fibre Channel Hardware for SAN Deployments
The Fibre Channel Storage market offers hardware to build and enable SAN deployments. Explore features of these top products. Click here now.
Storage Virtualization
Storage virtualization is the technology of abstracting physical data storage resources to make them appear as if they were a centralized resource. Virtualization masks...
What is Memory Ballooning?
Memory ballooning plays a key role in modern virtualized data storage architectures. With both physical and virtual assets demanding memory resources, there is a...
Shared Memory
Shared memory is a technology that enables computer programs to simultaneously share memory resources for higher performance and fewer redundant data copies. Shared system...
Latest Articles
Storage Hardware
15 Software Defined Storage Best Practices
Software Defined Storage (SDS) enables the use of commodity storage hardware. Learn 15 best practices for SDS implementation.
Storage Hardware
What is Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)?
Fibre Channel Over Ethernet (FCoE) is the encapsulation and transmission of Fibre Channel (FC) frames over enhanced Ethernet networks, combining the advantages of Ethernet...
Storage Hardware
9 Types of Computer Memory Defined (With Use Cases)
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Computer memory is a term for all of the types of data storage technology that a computer may use. Learn more about the X types of computer memory.
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