MapR will serve as the storage component for EMC’s forthcoming Greenplum HD Enterprise Edition Hadoop distribution. Differentiating EMC (NYSE: EMC) from other Hadoop vendors, this alliance adds immediate credibility to MapR’s technology along with a strong distribution channel reports Gigaom. Hadoop is an Apache Software Foundation project consisting of tools for storing and processing large amounts of unstructured data with two core components: Hadoop Distributed File System for storing data and Hadoop MapReduce for writing parallel-processing jobs, reports Gigaom.
“As interest in Hadoop gains momentum among mainstream companies, the competition to provide the most-complete Hadoop experience is getting intense. Whether they rely on almost solely on the Apache Hadoop code, such as Cloudera, or not, such as EMC, vendors need to show potential customers that they can address real-world needs. There isn’t a lot of money being spent on Hadoop products right now, but all signs point to that changing very soon, and then we’ll see whose approach carries the day.”